SPAOM 2023
October 25th to 27th

Faro, Portugal


The SPAOM – Spanish Portuguese Meeting for Advanced Optical Microscopy, co-organized by the Portuguese and Spanish Advanced Optical Microscopy networks, aims to promote new insights in microscopy applications, developments and technologies, fostering interactions and collaborations between scientific community and industry.

SPAOM 2023 is expected to attract many researchers and companies.


Meeting starting in

Invited Speakers

Luciano Marcon
Luciano Marcon
Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology (CABD), Spain
Erin Tranfield
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC), Portugal
University of York,
Sérgio de Almeida
Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM),
King's College London,
Francis Crick Institute.
Samuel Ojosnegros
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain
Cristina Barrias
Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (I3S), Portugal
Faculty of Sciences, BioISI, University of Lisbon,
Hannah Heil

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC), Portugal
Marti Duocastela
Martí Duocastella
Universitat de Barcelona,
Tingying Peng
Tingying Peng
Helmholtz AI,
Vera Aldeias
Vera Aldeias
FCHS, University of Algarve

Organizing Committee

Teresa Matias Correia
Centre of Marine Sciences
Algarve (CCMAR)
Tomás Pais Azevedo
Pattern Institute

Rui Silva    

Algarve Biomedical Center Research Institute (ABC-RI)

Inês Araújo    

Algarve Biomedical Center Research Institute (ABC-RI)
Telmo Pereira
Nova Medical School
NOVA University Lisbon

Nuno Moreno    

Gulbenkian Institute of 
Science (IGC)

Scientific Committee

Ana Oña
National Center for Biotechnology (CNB)
Gabriel Martins
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC), Portugal
Hugo Botelho
Faculty of Sciences, BioISI, University of Lisbon,

José Rino

Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM),

Luisa Cortes

Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology,
Maria Calvo
Universitat de Barcelona (CCiTUB), Spain
Paloma Dominguez
Paloma Dominguez

Paula Sampaio   

Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (I3S), Portugal

Scientific Programme

October 25th
08:00 Registration And Poster setup
09:00 Opening session
Session 1 | Lighting up the world: not just the small stuff
9:20 Luciano MarconMulti-view Lightsheet Live Imaging of Early Vertebrate Development
9:45 Sergio de AlmeidaLive-Cell Imaging Unveils Distinct R-loop Populations with Heterogeneous Dynamics
10:10 Jakub ChojnackiSuper-resolution microscopy within high-level biosafety facility for live studies of pathogen-cell/tissue interactions
10:20 Joana RodriguesIlluminating Neurogenesis: Unveiling Acomys cahirinus newborn neurons by lineage tracing imaging
10:40 Coffee Break
Session 2 | The more the merrier: Efficient acquisition and Image Analysis
11:15 Cristina BarriasAdvancements in 3D Cell Culture Models of Vascularization: A Paradigm Shift from Traditional 2D Cultures
11:40 Hugo BotelhoHigh content screening methods and algorithms for basic and applied research on Cystic Fibrosis
12:05 Carmen María Gordillo VázquezNatural variation and celullar morphology patterns in epithelial cysts
12:15 Ana BuchiniNovel method for measuring the healing process in cell cultures
12:25 Industry Pitch
12:55 Lunch and Poster Session
14:45 Industry Workshop #1.1 Izasa ScientificHigh Sensitivity Detection in Super Resolution: new NSPARC detector Industry Workshop #2.1 EVIDENTImprove your imaging of thick samples by using slide scanning with structured illumination Industry Workshop #3.1 ZEISSGauss and Bessel: Brothers in Arms for Exciting Samples in Lightsheet Microscopy Industry Workshop #4.1 LeicaMove into the next dimension with Stellaris and TauSense fluorescence lifetime imaging
15:30 Industry Workshop #1.2 Izasa ScientificHigh Sensitivity Detection in Super Resolution: new NSPARC detector Industry Workshop #2.2 EVIDENTImprove your imaging of thick samples by using slide scanning with structured illumination Industry Workshop #3.2 ZEISS3D X-ray Microscopy (XRM) of Life Science specimens: visualize internal structures from microns to millimetres Industry Workshop #4.2 LeicaAutonomous imaging of rare events powered by Aivia AI and Stellaris
16:15 Coffee Break
16:45 Community Workshop #1Expanding biology above diffraction Community Workshop #2Doing fast volumetric imaging with ZEISS light-sheet
17:45 Community Workshop #3EMBRC: microscopy applied to marine biology Community Workshop #4AI-Based 3D Image Analysis of Complex Tissues
19:00 Bus to Faro
19:45 Welcome Reception at Faro Museum
October 26th
Session 3 | Label-free imaging: seeing things just the way they are
9:00 Martí DuocastellaToward faster and deeper optical microscopes by combining ultrasound with light
9:25 Patrícia PintoMorphology and histology gives novel insights into the underexplored gill rakers in teleosts
9:35 David PalečekOptical projection tomography in Python: from acquisition to reconstruction
Session 4 | Imaging & Omics: all together now!
9:45 Peter O'TooleCellPhe time! A Cell Phenotyping App for automated for time-lapse imaging and pattern recognition to enable the identification of new phenotypic traits
10:10 Sandra C SilvaTranscriptomics and lightsheet imaging of Senegalese sole juveniles links the HPT-axis with immune system maturation.
10:30 Coffee Break
Session 5 | Teeny Tiny Structures: EM & Light storms
11:00 Erin TranfieldCryoEM in Spain and Portugal – Building a Community and Expanding Infrastructure on National Scales
11:25 Carles BoschMapping the neuronal circuits for smell with light, X-rays and electrons
11:50 Joana FerreiraNMDA Receptors at the Nanoscale: Insights from Cultures to Brain Tissue
12:00 Rita CoelhoMicroscopy characterization of cellular organelles and the endo-lysosomal pathway using confocal microscopy in choroideremia patient cells
12:15 IZASA Scientific Platinum Industry TalkHigh Sensitivity Detection in Super Resolution: new NSPARC detector
12:30 Selected Flash Talks
12:45 Lunch and Poster Session
14:45 Industry Workshop #1.3 Izasa ScientificHigh Sensitivity Detection in Super Resolution: new NSPARC detector Industry Workshop #2.3 EVIDENTImprove your imaging of thick samples by using slide scanning with structured illumination Industry Workshop #3.3 ZEISSYour Complete Solution from Sample to Knowledge Industry Workshop #4.3 LeicaMove into the next dimension with Stellaris and TauSense fluorescence lifetime imaging
15:30 Industry Workshop #1.4 Izasa ScientificHigh Sensitivity Detection in Super Resolution: new NSPARC detector Industry Workshop #2.4 EVIDENTImprove your imaging of thick samples by using slide scanning with structured illumination Industry Workshop #3.4 ZEISSHands on workshop: how to use AI in your image analysis pipelines Industry Workshop #4.4 LeicaAutonomous imaging of rare events powered by Aivia AI and Stellaris
16:15 Coffee Break
16:45 Community Workshop #5Introduction to Napari: fast image visualisation and analysis Community Workshop #6Euro-BioImaging: Service offer and funding possibilities
17:45 REMOA PPBI Meeting
18:30 Sunset Rooftop + Gala Dinner
October 27th
Session 6 | Parallel Visualization and Quantification: I want it all and I want it now
9:00 Samuel OjosnegrosLabel-Free Imaging of Metabolism and Mechanical Insights in Mammalian Embryos: Advancements for Reproductive Medicine
9:25 Heba SailemDecoding tumour microenvironment heterogeneity using graph convolutional networks and spatial multiplexed imaging
9:50 Diogo VieiraA computational approach for cytoskeletal organization characterization
Session 7 | Applications outside the box
10:00 Vera AldeiasArchaeological sites under the microscope
10:20 Aliana VairinhosMicroscopy based analysis of microplastics internalization by human lung, gut, and rat brain cell lines.
10:30 Coffee Break
Session 8 | Microscopy with a little help from AI
11:00 Hannah HeileSRRF: Super-resolution radial fluctuation is going 3D
11:25 Tingying PengAI in Microscopy: Go Beyond the Limit of Hardware
11:50 Diogo BitoqueSegmentation and quantification of blood vessels and similar network-like structures using machine learning
12:00 Marcos ObandoToMoDL: A model-based deep learning framework for optical projection tomography
12:15 Closing Remarks
Satellite EventZEISS Microscopy & Image Processing workshop
14:00 Lightsheet 7, How to produce, mount and examine invisible samplesChristina Egger, CCMAR ; Jacques Paysan, ZEISS
14:50 Marine sample preparation for Lightsheet imagingLucía Sanchez-Ruiloba, Head of Optical Microscopy and Image Analysis Facility (Institute of Marine Research - IIM-CSIC), Vigo
15:10 Lightsheet and Mesoscopic Imaging at the IGC's Advanced ImagingGabriel Martins , IGC
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Seeing Through the Haze: Enhancing the Imaging and Analysis of EmbryoidsRosana Caceres Carrillo, Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology (CABD), CSIC-UPO-JA, Seville
16:30 ZEISS arivis, your imaging platform, your tool for Automate E2E Image Analysis PipelinesDelisa Garcia, ZEISS
October 28th
09:00 Lightsheet 7 Imaging – Hands-onJacques Paysan, ZEISS Image analysis approaches using AI and and how to handle big data – Hands-onDelisa Garcia & Dieter Lauer, ZEISS

Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Izasa Scientific

Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors


Bronze Sponsors

Iberoptics – PCO Excelitas
AHF analysentechnik

Copper Sponsors

NKT Photonics
Dias de Sousa



Become a sponsor

If you are interested in sponsoring SPAOM 2023, please contact us to learn more about the available opportunities